Tuesday, April 19, 2016

The Last Straw

When you thought that you've totally moved on sometimes it's okay to take the last plunge. Try to make a short convo with him and who knows it might lead to one thing or another.😈 But that's exactly what you need to do. Test yourself.

Others last straw involves dating, convo over a drink, a coffee, a short walk, even casual sex. I think this is where the closure happens. You guys being civil and managed to do those things without being too awkward and managed to flash a smile? Well that's a good-totally-moved-on smile.😜

For some who tried it over casual sex, well that's just them trying to be ex lovers and doing what they used to do. And when they did the deed and felt that there's no love anymore, no connection, no passion, or desire, but just pure sex? I guess that enters the realization that you moved on. Kindda sad though that it had to be that way for you to finalize what you really feel. And congratulations! Because you thought that it's gonna make you come chasing mr.wrong again but no. You proved yourself wrong. Yes it maybe a good sex, but that is just it.😅

And for those who spent the closure thing over a short date? I know you girls felt that the chemistry isn't there anymore. You felt the absence of a former lover and there you are sitting with an old friend just trying to have a sensible convo.

It only means one thing, you totally moved on and now happily contented. No regrets. No more hurt feelings. No more hopia. Just a happy life and a healthy heart.😇

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