Saturday, June 21, 2014

3 types of guys

There are 3 types of guys whom you'll meet in your life:

1) First is the guy who will stay with you no matter what you did wrong but doesn't really care or expresses his feelings and you're sure that he's not the one for you. 

2) Second is the guy who will flee whenever he feels the situation's changing and won't benefit him at all. In other words, doesn't care about you but himself. 

3) And the third guy? He's the one who will stay with you through your thick and thins. Your sickness and in health situations and ofcourse your poorest state. And loves you unconditionally.

Well ladies, sorry to tell you but the third guy doesn't exist.
 Or maybe yes, but just for a very short period of time only.
 Because they change! Period.Smiley

And for the other 2? They're the one whom you're with. Right. Now. Haha! Jk. :)

It's just sad that male now a days are users, immature, selfish, and name them whatever you want.
 That's why it makes me wonder if marriages are real or just a show.
 If true love do exist and not just a simple infatuations phase.
 Your knight in shining armor turned into a monstrous beast.
 Fantasy are for books only, and a Happily Ever After ending are just for fairy tales. Smiley

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